Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) Goals for Fiscal Years 2024 – 2026

East End District (EED) has set its Disadvantage Business Enterprise (“DBE”) goal for federally funded contracts for fiscal years 2024 – 2026.
A copy of the goal calculation is available to view here.

EED will accept comments on its overall annual DBE goal, which is proposed at 8.27% through race-neutral means. Public comments can be addressed to:

East End District
DBE Liaison Officer
3211 Harrisburg Boulevard
Houston, TX 77003


Meta del Programa de Empresas Comerciales en Desventaja (DBE) – Años Fiscales 2024 – 2026

East End District (EED) ha fijado su meta referente al programa de Empresas Comerciales en Desventaja (DBE, por sus siglas en inglés) para contratos financiados por el gobierno para los
años fiscales 2024-2026.

Para leer los cálculos referentes a la meta fijada, visite la página web de EED.

EED aceptará comentarios sobre la meta anual DBE, actualmente propuesta en 8.27% neutral en términos raciales. Por favor dirigir sus comentarios a:

East End District
DBE Liaison Officer
3211 Harrisburg Boulevard
Houston, TX 77003


EED Social Media Policy regarding this website: This social media site is intended to serve as a mechanism for communication between the public and the District. Following or “friending” persons or organizations is not an endorsement by the District and is only intended as a means of communication. All content of this site and all comments submitted are public and are subject to disclosure pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act.


The East End District (EED) assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color and national origin, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which federal aid funds are used (Federally Funded Program). The EED further assures every effort will be made to ensure nondiscrimination in all of its Federally Funded Programs. The policy will apply to all EED Federally Funded Programs.

Title VI Policy Statement-English-Spanish

Title VI Complaint Form – English

Title VI Forma de Queja – Spanish